Kinder Morgan
The Kinder Morgan Penguin Project Increases Safety for Employees and Provides a Home for Saltie the Penguin
Penguins are known for slipping on the ice and YouTube is full of videos showing that it can be quite amusing. However, it isn’t so funny when it happens to humans so earlier this year, Kinder Morgan’s Terminals Midwest Region initiated the Penguin Project, which was designed to increase the region’s focus on slip, trip and fall events. All of the terminals in the region received a penguin-shaped light to keep lit every day they did not have any slip, trip or fall events. 17 of the 19 target areas in the region, including 16 terminals and all regional teammates, successfully achieved ZERO slip, trip or fall events!
Of the 18 target areas, the Milwaukee Bulk Terminal was randomly selected by Rick Seaman, terminals general manager, to be the recipient of the Adopt-a-Penguin Program from The International Penguin Conservation Work Group. This terminal virtually picked their adoptee, named it Saltie and will receive updates until the penguin is released into the wild. In addition to this, all of the terminals that had zero slip, trip or fall incidents will receive an ice cream social when the coronavirus is no longer a threat.
Congratulations to the following terminals for hitting ZERO!: Argo Harlem; BP Whiting; Cincinnati North; Dakota Bulk; Dayton; Indianapolis; Midwest Regional Teammates; Milwaukee Bagging; Milwaukee Bulk; Muscatine; O’Hare; Pinney Dock; Queen City; Rochelle; Spring Valley; St. Louis Liquids and Wood River. Nice job, everyone! We are also excited for Saltie, we will leave the slipping to him and his penguin pals.